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skyrim tool help

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i was just curious how to mod perks using your tool. the skill points is greyed out when I go to mod my save so do you do it then?


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Are you trying to mod after CC or before. if you are trying to mod after CC and have at least gained one level you should be able to change the area called skill points. The most skill points you can use if you want all perks BTW is 251. so you want to subtract any points you have used already. Now if you are trying to mod before CC, the game is just going to kick the defaults back in once you choose your race, at the moment, sonic has no way to work around the games coding to lock skill points before CC, on the console it is very difficult to get the coding of what the game is adding and removing and to try and counter it with scripts, best thing to do is make a charcter level up to level 2, carry your save over to mod it on SAIO, change the skill point value to desired amount, then save and rehash, and save to HDD, and your save should be good to go, haven't had any problems with my saves, and I max out my stats, carryWeight, add all spells, etc.

Edit: PS In case you didn't know CC stands for Create a Character

Edited by Vampiros, 23 July 2012 - 12:45 AM.


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What about modding your skill levels? Is there any way to make those 100 and still let you level up like normal.


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If you change your skills to 100 Like archery and Heavy Armor, anything like using a bow or getting hit while wearing heavy armor will not increase those skills, as the game will recognize those skills are maxed out. What I would reccomend doing is changing your character level to the desired level (say 81 if you are going to max out all your stats), and Save and rehash the save and transfer back to xbox. Then apply skill points as needed, you may have some left over skill points, if that bothers you, you can use the editor to 0 them out.


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It's after cc. All those boxes (name, level, xp and skill points) are greyed out for some reason. I only have 81 perks so I didn't max that out


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The Level will show as greyed out, but you can change your level by clicking the + or - buttons next to the level, that will change your level and add the experience requried to get to that level. Please do note that if you Save and reopen the save, your Experience will change, but it will not show your level changed yet, that is because you have not loaded the save into the game and officialy leveled up, so once you load your save into the 360, you will have the required amount of XP to get to said level. With the save editor you can change your level to a maximum of 200. As I mentioned previously you can change your perk points to 251 to select all available perks.

Edit: The Skill points area should not be greyed out though, try uninstalling SAIO and Reinstalling, if that does not cause the Skill point to Become available, I would send a message to Sonic. It is a strange occurence and I haven't had that happen.

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